Monday, June 18, 2007

More Fun with Right-Wingers

OK, I started a little fire with that last post as I have more questions. The way Bush talks and brags that he, not congress anymore, is the decider he looks more and more like that cop in the Harold and Kumar movie.

You guys talk about the constitution as if it is old and out of date with the times.

I say that about the bible.

Newt Gingrich. What a man. If he decides to run and actually gets elected, you can kiss our constitution goodbye as he supports rewriting it completely. Even doing away with the freedom of speech and religion as "we are in new age and these rules do not apply anymore."

Here is something that right-wingers hate...
Question: Why when you redraw district boundaries do you call it "redistricting" and a democratic thing to do, but when say Vladamir Putin does the EXACT SAME THING you call it an act of tyranny? Can you answer that?

Do you actually have the nations best interest in mind when you think of some of this stuff or do you just want to protect yourself or do you just like being pricks and bully people around?

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