Thursday, June 28, 2007

Decorating the Lamp Posts (Part One in a Series)

I am looking at a lamp post outside my window. I see how drab it is just standing their all alone and naked. Something needs to go on it.

Ah, I have an idea...

Ann Coulter.

This woman is GOP in microcosm. What a wonderful blessing to man-kind this one is. And to think that we for the longest time did not know that we were in dire need of a woman like that. Wow, how did we ever survive?

This beautiful woman has said things directly of her desire for another terrorist attack on New York; someone should assassinate presidential hopeful John Edwards (the last i checked, calling for the assassination of ANY government official is illegal and that person can be arrested and charge with conspiracy, why is this woman walking free?) She has also went as far as hoping for a nuclear attack, either on US soil or a foreign country and performing genocide on Arabs and other muslims.

What happened to this woman to fill her with so much contempt for everything? Her daddy must have gave her "too much" love as a child? Or maybe it was mommy who did that. Maybe while using the coat-hanger trying to expel the demon seed inside her, mommy just scrambled her brain a little.

The hate that this woman spews is beyond compare and that what she says and many of her actions skirt morality, decency, and in many cases, law it amazes me that no one has stood up to her.

Having just scratched the surface with Coulters shenanigans, I have figured out the solution for the bland lamp post outside my window, just need a little rope.

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